Mission & Values
We are a dragon boating team with a mission to serve breast cancer survivors in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. As much as we enjoy physical activity and love competing in races, we exist to support each other. Survivorship is the spirit that brings us together.

Our Mission
The mission of the Dragon Divas is to demonstrate that a full and active life is possible after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Our Minneapolis-St. Paul area organization provides an opportunity for members to connect with other breast cancer survivors in a supportive environment to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
We are dedicated to promoting the early detection of breast cancer and raising awareness in the community of the importance of physical fitness in fighting this disease. Through our message and actions, Dragon Divas honor the memory of those who have died from the disease and the blessings they have bestowed on our survivorship. We carry out our commitment with courage and hope, together in the spirit of love.
Our Values
We promote awareness in the wider community about the importance of early detection and the benefits of an active lifestyle in fighting this disease.
We emphasize the benefits of exercise in living longer and thriving following a diagnosis of breast cancer and demonstrate how to live a life without limits following the diagnosis.
Honesty & Sportsmanship
We conduct ourselves with authenticity tempered by compassion in the spirit of love. We demonstrate our spirit by being gracious in victory and defeat.
We honor those who have gone before us for what they have taught us about living with and dying from this disease, and what their journeys have taught our physicians and researchers about curing this disease.
We are dedicated to helping survivors attain their personal well being in body and spirit. We support and encourage each other’s journey through mentorship and our unique camaraderie.
We pull together as a team to live our values and attain our goals.